WIDTH:   100 cm
HEIGHT:   100 cm
TECHNIQUE:   Freehand spray cans
SUPPORT:   Canvas, rough paint primer
WOODEN SUPPORT:   3 cm thick wooden frame
YEAR:   2013
FRAME BORDER:   Not included, black-painted hedges
ARTIST’S NOTES:   “One of my early canvas works: the background, created with rough plaster, strongly resembles an actual wall. In this piece, I wanted to tackle the theme of beauty, contemplating how it can truly be mutable, influenced by various situations. Instead, I wanted to envision a primal beauty, which is why I opted for cool colors, almost imagining a ‘freezing’ of the concept of beauty in its origin, and thus, uncontaminated. I selected this piece for the promotional poster of my first solo exhibition, “Just Spray CanS,” held at the Arthaus Gallery in Bergamo in 2013. 
ADDITIONAL NOTES:    This artwork has been exhibited in my solo show “Just Spray CanS”, in 2013, than in collective exhibitions in Galleria Falzone (Milan) and Aquabit Art Gallery (Berlin)